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黄悦  (食品科学与工程系)







黄悦,女,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。博士毕业于南京大学,现于南京林业大学轻工与食品学院从事教学科研工作。研究方向为生物传感与食品安全检测,近年来主要开展基于电化学生物传感的食品中有毒有害物质的检测研究,并尝试应用于实际食品检验和食品加工生产等。在biosensors & bioelectronics、analytical chemistry、chemical engineering journal、acs nano等专业领域较好的sci期刊上已正式发表研究性论文50余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目、农业农村部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室开放基金、南京林业大学青年科技创新基金及高层次(高学历)人才项目等。


1. 生化分析与生物传感

2. 电化学生物传感与食品安全检测


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 31901771, 基于核酸探针协同传感的喹诺酮类抗生素残留检测研究, 2020-01至2022-12-31, 21万元, 结题, 主持

(2) 江苏省教育厅, 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目, 18kjb550009, 基于生物传感探针协同作用的食源性致病菌检测方法研究, 2018-09 至 2020-08, 3万元, 结题, 主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 810602737, 基于多肽生物传感的促癌氧化应激微环境分析,2017-01至2019-12,19万,结题,参与

(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 81051554, 基于新型分子探针联合检测的肝细胞癌肿瘤免疫微环境综合分析方法研究, 2016-01至2018-12, 18万, 结题, 参与


1. yue huang, ji zheng, lei wang, xuguo duan, yaosong wang, yang xiang, genxi li*, sensitive detection of chloramphenicol based on ag-dnazyme-mediated signal amplification modulated by dna/metal ion interaction, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2019, 127: 45-49.

2. yue huang*, jiehua ma, yuting yan, chao li*, metal-bridged dna-functionalized silica nanoparticles for multifacet biological applications. microchemical journal, 2022, 173: 107017.

3. yue huang, lei wang, lingjun sha, yaosong wang, xuguo duan, genxi li*, highly sensitive detection of lipopolysaccharide based on collaborative amplification of dual enzymes. analytica chimica acta, 2020, 1126: 31-37.

4. yuting yan, fangfang zhou, qian wang, yue huang*, a sensitive electrochemical biosensor for quinolones detection based on cu2 -modulated signal amplification, microchemical journal, 2023, 190: 108636.

5. yue huang, fangfang zhou, fengjie jia, liu shi*, tingting yin*, lizhou sun, in situ amplification based on assembly of aptamer sandwiches on nanochannels for ultrasensitive detection of exosomes, electrochemistry communications, 2023, 156: 107580.

6. yue huang, fangfang zhou, fengjie jia, nana yang*, divalent aptamer-functionalized nanochannels for facile detection of cancer cell-derived exosomes, sensors,2023, 23: 9139.

7. qizhi liang, yue huang, minghui wang, deqi kuang, jiahua yang, yongxiang yi, hai shi*, jinlong li*, jie yang, genxi li*, an electrochemical biosensor for sars-cov-2 detection via its papain-like cysteine protease and the protease inhibitor screening, chemical engineering journal, 2023, 452: 139646.

8. kai zhang, yue huang, yu gu, fan yang, nan hao*, a novel isothermal amplification strategy for rapid and sensitive detection of matrix metalloproteinase 2 using a bipedal dna walker in anti-aging research, sensors & actuators: b. chemical, 2023, 397: 134650.

9. yong yan, min ni, fan wang, yue yu, xin gong, yue huang, wei tao, chao li*, and feng wang*, metal-organic framework-based biosensor for detecting hydrogen peroxide in plants through color-to-thermal signal conversion, acs nano, 2022, 16: 15175-15187.

10. bing lu, ying deng, ying peng, yue huang, jiehua ma*, genxi li*, fabrication of a polyvalent aptamer network on an electrode surface for capture and analysis of circulating tumor cells, analytical chemistry, 2022, 94: 12822-12827.

11. yue huang, hao li, qiongxuan fan, lei wang, yao wang, genxi li*, multifunctional nanocatalyst-based ultrasensitive detection of human tissue transglutaminase 2, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2016, 83: 85-90.

12. yue huang, hao li, lei wang, xiaoxia mao, genxi li*, highly sensitive protein detection based on smart hybrid nanocomposite-controlled switch of dna polymerase activity, acs applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8(41): 28202-28207.

13. yue huang, hao li, yuanyuan zhang, weiwei li, lizhou sun, genxi li*, ultrasensitive and feasibly achieved protein detection based on the integration of three signal amplification reactions via sharing a dna sequence, chemical communications, 2015, 51(55): 11004-11007.

14. yue huang, hao li, tao gao, xinjian liu, genxi li*, a sensitive method for protein assays using a peptide-based nano-label: human glypican-3 detection for hepatocellular carcinomas diagnosis, analyst, 2014, 139(15): 3744-3747.

15. hao li, yue huang, yue yu, weiwei li, yongmei yin, genxi li*, peptide-based method for detection of metastatic transformation in primary tumors of breast cancer, analytical chemistry, 2015, 87(18): 9251-9256.

16. 颜玉婷, 王乾, 周芳芳, 黄悦*, 核酸探针在抗生素残留生物传感检测中的应用, 精细化工, 2023, 40: 783-790.

17. 王乾, 颜玉婷, 周芳芳, 黄悦*, 基于末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶协同g-四链体核酶的恩诺沙星检测方法, 精细化工, 2023, 40: 2659-2665.

18. 黄悦,颜玉婷,一种dna修饰二氧化硅材料的方法及其产物和产物的应用,2023-3-24,中国,授权专利号:zl202111072140.6。
